Glenn Beck Humor

Friday, April 03, 2009

A few weeks ago Glenn Beck, a Fix Noise host, started a magical campaign entitled "We Surround Them". It was supposed to be the very hush-hush beginning of a BIG THING, and I even considered going to a restaurant in the next town where a maximum of 30 people were going to be dining at their own expense while watching whatever he did on the television.

So we all know Glenn Beck is unbalanced, even those who take most of his antics as "loving his country" (sob) "so much" (sob). Some of us think he's either more than a little unbalanced, which means he's a mentally ill person being manipulated (did I say this somewhere before) or a total liar and hypocrite. Colbert did a great takedown a la Jon Stewart the other day. I'd show you the original Beck footage it is based on, but you get the idea.

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And now, a parody of the Beck show. Make sure you watch it twice so you can read those whacky news trailers on the chyron.